Friday, May 6, 2016

Unit 9 Reflection

This unit was about "What on Earth Evolved?". The first thing we learned about were the basics of evolution. Evolution is a very slow process, having mutations and sex served as the source of new phenotypes. Populations evolve, not individuals. The fossils we find and study from are the individuals of a population. Evolution is the change in allele frequency of a population, over time, whilst speciation is the rise of two or more species from a common ancestor. There is also classification, taxonomy, and phylogenies: Phylogeny is the evolutionary history and relationships of species using taxonomy; a phylogenetic tree/cladogram showing this shared ancestry. Taxonomy is the study of naming and classifying organisms. And there is classification, where there is also the 3 domains of life: Eukarya, Archaea, and Bacteria.

In terms of evolution and classification, it's been a good unit and I think I have learned enough. Something I would like to learn more about are human emotions, how they're triggered, and just about them. 

For my What on Earth Evolved presentation, I think it went pretty well, I was short of time and I could've done better in terms of that but I feel as if everything else was pretty good. I didn't procrastinate on it and finished it in time and the presentation itself was no that bad; waiting to go up was more nerve wrecking if anything. To my TED talk, I'll definitely won't procrastinate on that either and I'll time myself better so that I reach/be inside the time limit. 

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