Thursday, May 26, 2016

Pig Dissection

I think the purpose of this lab was to understand the humans' body more through using a pigs' body since they're both very similar. This dissection relates to the unit we recently just learned, Physiology, by helping us understand more about what our body has/does to keep us alive: the different systems (Circulatory , Respiratory, Nervous, Endocrine, Digestive, Immune, and Lymphatic) and how they work. My favorite part of this dissection was cutting the pig. I enjoyed this part the most because I've never really cut a animal open and when I was cutting I could feel through the scissors how thick the skin was and it was just interesting cutting a real organism open. I do think that this dissection was a valuable experience, due to it causing me to realize more about how our body works and how hard it works just to keep us alive and well. 

(Or here's the link if you want: )

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