Friday, November 20, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

Unit 4 was about the Cell Cycle (reasons for it and its' steps), types of reproduction (benefits and costs), chromosomes (oddities, all other traits, and homologous chromosomes), sex cells, haploids and diploids, gametes, the steps of Meiosis, Crossing Over, genes, traits, Gregor Mendel and his works, the punnet square, types of inheritance, genetic exceptions and complications, and different type of crosses. In Unit 4, my strength were probably types of reproduction and punnet squares. I found it very easy to understand and memorize the types of reproduction, Sexual and Asexual reproduction, and their benefits and costs. Punnet squares and types of reproduction were probably my strengths because I've gone through them before and had understand them already. My weaknesses were probably everything else. I found it very hard to memorize and be able to separate terms from each other. I also found it very hard to remember all the steps of Meiosis. There was so much information given all at once and it was hard to consume it all. I don't think it's that I don't understand because I feel like I do, but I just think that there was so much new information all at once and it was just hard to remember each specific term and not mess up a term for another term. I definitely learned a lot of new material. Everything was new for me except for the types of reproduction and the punnet square. For skills, I don't think I learned anything new but next time I'm definitely going to study sooner. I made a mistake this time and procrastinated on studying, so I ended up with really short time to go over everything. The info-graphic really made a lot more of the material more clear and it helped me understand them more. It helped me understand the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis more and it also helped me understand Genetic Inheritance more. I definitely do believe that I'm a better student today than yesterday because now I know so much more material about us human beings, and I understand the importance of time more and how I should not procrastinate on studying. Though this unit was interesting, I don't have any questions and would like to move on and learn about a different part of humans. Now that we know the physical part of us I think it would be cool to learn about the mental part of us (how our brains work, why we feel certain emotions, etc.) From the VARK Questionnaire, my preferred learning styles are Reading/Writing and Visual. I scored a 12 on Reading/Writing and a 11 on Visual. On Aural and Kinesthetic, I got an 8. The results didn't surprise me, I was expecting something very similar. In order to play with my studying strengths as I prepare for the upcoming test, I will definitely write out more Relate and Reviews for concepts I'm not comfortable with. I'll also draw out representations of them if possible.

1 comment:

  1. Nice reflection. We won't cover how our brains work until the spring. You will have an independent project coming up where you could explore that further.
