Monday, October 19, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 was about cell structure and it's function, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. The themes and essential understandings of this unit was how life is cellular, eukaryotic cell structures, cell boundaries, the diversity of cellular life, energy and life, the overview of photosynthesis, the reactions of photosynthesis, chemical pathways, and the Krebs Cycle and Electron Transport.

When it came to all the cell related topics and cellular respiration, it was fairly easy for me. It got a bit harder for me when the topic of photosynthesis came in.

I believe I'm a better student now because from this unit I've learned more about cell structure and their function, photosynthesis, and cellular respiration. I'm also better at taking notes and knowing what's important and what's not from the textbook now.

I think I would like to learn more about cells now. I don't have any unanswered questions about cells or the other topics but I would like to learn more about cells. It's interesting learning about what makes us living human beings.

Since the test is coming up, I'm definitely studying by going through my vodcast notes and textbook notes. I'm also planning on taking, if not all then most, of the CFU's for the vodcast notes. And for the diagrams, I'm planning on drawing them again and again until they're stuck in my mind. I've seen the Studying and Learning Page, and I think I'll try out the flashcard method; I've never used flashcards before so I'm interested in how this will turn out.

1 comment:

  1. You have a good plan for studying, except that "going through my vodcast and textbook notes" isn't very specific. One thing I would suggest is adding more detail to the actual review of the unit next time, because you won't be able to use this to help you study because you don't have enough information about the individual topics we covered, such as what each organelle does, or the reactants and products of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. I have a question on why you would like to learn more about cells. You said you had no unanswered questions, so then what do you want to learn about cells?

    -Mark Masulis
