Monday, September 21, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Unit 2 was about Miniature Biology, it was about how increasing molecular complexity serves as the building blocks for life. The first essential understanding was the Nature of Matter. For this section, I had a fairly easy time learning about the atom and its structure. I also had a easy time learning about elements, including the Periodic Table, and Compounds/Molecules. This was mostly a review for me for I've gone through these topics before in school. It started getting difficult in Chemical bonds and its type. I've never gone through this topic before so it was sort of difficult for me. Though it was a bit difficult, I understood it in the end. The second essential understanding was Water. In this topic, I learned about the properties of water, why water is so attractive, and why water is great for making solutions. It was a little difficult when learning about the properties of water and why its so attractive but I soon got it. Learning why water is so great for making solutions, though, wasn't very difficult for me. I've made solutions before and have figured out myself that water is a great component to add in solutions. Also, most of what was taught in this section, I've been taught before in previous classes. 

From this experience, I've learned how to managed my time more carefully when in a lab and also how to split work so that each person has something to do. I've also learned to be more careful when reading instructions and to fully understand steps before actually doing them. 

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