Monday, August 31, 2015

Jean Lab Conclusion

In this lab, the Jean Lab, we, as in my group and I, asked the question, “What concentration of bleach is best to fade the color out of new denim material in 10 minutes without visible damage to the fabric?”. With this question in mind, we found that fifty percent of bleach was the most effective in removing the color out of the jeans we tested. With 50% of bleach, the average of all the jean squares were 4. Though the average for the 50 percent of bleach is less than the average of the 100 percent of bleach, which is 5.7, there is more damage done to the jeans pieces of the 100% bleach; Which is why we decided that 50% is the best concentration of bleach. This data supports my claim because the averages of all the other concentration of bleach was low than the 50% concentration of bleach, and the fabric damage of the 100% concentration of bleach was visible, whilst the fabric damage of the 50% concentration of bleach wasn’t.

While our hypothesis was supported by our data, there could have been errors due to  the fact that our timing was a bit off. Because our timing was a bit off, the pieces of jeans are either lighter or darker than it should be; This would’ve affected our ratings. And though my group tried our best to have the most accurate measurements, we were a bit rushed, resulting to some of the measurements being a bit off. This would again result in the pieces of jeans being lighter or/and darker than it should be. This would also affect the ratings. Due to these errors, in future experiments I would recommend having better time management and being more careful when handling liquid contents.

This lab was done to demonstrate the Scientific Method, which were the steps my group and I had to go through in order to do the lab. From this lab I learned more about the Scientific Method, which helps me understand the concept of how to approach and conclude a biology lab. I also learned how much concentration of bleach should be used in order to fade the color out of new denim material, without causing any visible damage to the fabric. Based on my experience from this lab, I could apply the Scientific Method in other labs, whilst having better time management and being more careful with liquid contents. I could also use the right concentration of bleach to fade out the color of any new denim material of mine if needed.

Concentration (% of bleach)
Average Color Removal (scale of 0 -10)
Average Fabric Damage (scale of 0 - 10)